About White-Light Hybrid Positioning for 3D Scanning

3D Scanning Service from EMS

If you like to keep abreast of the latest technology, you’ll be pleased to hear about the white light hybrid positioning 3D scanner. This device can scan large objects quickly for you without you having do any processing after the fact. The device is called the Go! SCAN 3D and it can output information 10 times faster than traditional 3D scanning devices and software. It’s capable of capturing areas 15” x 15” so it can actually scan the gas tank on a car in under two minutes. That’s including the time it takes to create a 3D mesh.

Another thing you might find interesting is that this device can be set up very easily and there aren’t any tripods, arms, or other positioning devices so you can just get down to the scanning without much set up. You can actually get it running in just two minutes and this includes calibration optimization. And you can just connect it to your computer through a USB connection.

The Go! SCAN 3D uses an LED protector and two cameras. Basically, it’s a point and shoot that allows you to see the captured data in real-time. The software that powers this 3D scanning technology is Creaform’s VXelements. This is what makes it possible to process the information and develop 3D surface on the spot rather than having to align things manually.

It also uses something called intelligent hybrid positioning which allows it to obtain information from several sources at once to create the most accurate model possible. It primarily uses geometry to position the information it captures. The white light pattern is projected on whatever you want to scan. The light changes depending on the geometry of the object. This is how the information is captured – depending on the way the light bends.

Even if the object is too smooth to scan, you can still accomplish the task by using positioning targets to align the information it captures. Unlike other scanners, this one can combine geometry and text-based positioning to make the scan more accurate and allows you to capture the data faster than ever before.

Convenience is key here with this new technology. It’s unlike anything else out there and that’s what makes it so special. You can scan just about anything quicker than was previously possible. This type of 3D scanning will work wonders for productivity in a variety of fields.

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